Tsokolatte con Agaricus 5-in1 chocolate drink
A good tasting mixture of cacao powder, sugar and non-dairy creamer
with agaricus mushroom extract that provides multi-nutirents for an
extra boost of energy.

Have calmative properties that help relieve stress and tension, imporoves digestion and metabolism. It also has diuretic properties, anti-hypertensive and anti-inflammatory, helps relieve gastro-intestinal spasms, headache and muscle cramps. It has anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties as well.

Beta-GLUCAN is a polysaccharide that is found in such foods as oats, barley, yeasts, mushroom such as agaricus blazie, ganoderma lucidum, cordyceps sinensis, schizophyllum commune & antrodia camphorate.Beta-Glucan has been known to scientists as food constituent for diseases, and they knew it was abundant in the foods as just named. finally, technoly succeeded in producing less expensive Beta Glucan. It can benefit anyone who wants to be heathier, live longer, deal with stress of modern society, be less allergenic, speed up healinh and resist dangerous microbes, bacteria and viruses.How does Beta Glucan works so powerfully?The body has large white blood cells "macrophages" ( ie., great eaters) such as phagocytes, neurophils and other such cells that literally devour bacteria, foreign cells, dead and dying cells, mutated cells and other negative invaders in the bloodstream. For example, natural killer (NK) cells eat the cancer and infected cells. These NK cells are activated and strengthened by Beta Glucan. By taking a Beta Glucan supplement, the body's immune cells are most active, more powerful and effective in attacking and consuming what does not belong the body's system.

Baracco Con Agaricus 4-in-1 Coffee
A perfect blend of coffee powder, non-dairy creamer and brown sugar withagaricus mushroom extract with the aroma and the body of baracco coffee butless caffeine compared to the usual instant and brewed coffee.Relax and take a coffee break! One or two sachets a day are good enough to improve your overall health. You may have a stronger immune system and a healthier body.

Ampalaya Tea
Good for hypertension, Anemia, Stomach pain, Malaria, Menstrual disorders, Liver problems, Headaches, Cough & Colds, Constipation, Measles & Feverish conditions, aids in detoxifying blood, improves skin and for other various conditions.
Ampalaya Tea is safe and effective for Diabetes, Hypertension and Kidney & Bladder Problems. Analysis of the Ampalaya fruit and leaves show that both are excellent sources of Vitamin B, calcium, iron and phosphorous. Here different groups of constituents found in all parts of Ampalaya have clinically demonstrated hypoglycemic properties ( blood-sugar lowering) The fruit has also shown the ability to enhance cell uptake of glucose to promote insulin release.
SPONSOR I.D. #1745802
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